Desiring to become famous by performing a death-defying feat, a crippled conjuror falls prey to a rogue’s plot against the son of King George II.
The real story took place in London in 1749. Advertisements were placed throughout London describing impossible feats of conjuring to be performed at the renowned Haymarket Theatre. A conjuror disappearing inside a common wine bottle? Preposterous! But, as Stefan, the Romani conjuror knows, the borderline between good and evil magic is as fine as a spider’s web. Anything can happen.
The wine bottle is more than a mere bottle. It is charged with a latent mystical power that can only be accessed by using the Bloodstone, an enchanted jewel that Stefan desperately seeks. Others are on the trail as well—Melchior and his henchmen, Shaitaan Hunters doing the bidding of the powerful sorceress, Kali—and they will use any means possible to get the Bloodstone.
December 24, 2021
A piece I wrote about shapeshifters has been translated into Bengali and is featured in a book titled “Anubhutir Bhutura” (trans: Feelings of Your Own Ghost) by Taniya Chakraborty. The book will be launched at the Kolkata International Book Fair.
April 13, 2020
While your facilities may be closed, are you looking for programs that can be presented to your patrons online? I have four programs based on my books to offer you. Here’s the list:
1. “Shapeshifters: A History”
Based on the Horror Writers Association Bram Stoker Award-nominated book, the presentation examines the shapeshifter character as it appears in cultures all around the world, from Neolithic times to today. Featuring a fantastic and ghoulish array of examples from history, literature, film, TV, and computer games, the presentation explores our secret desire to become something other than human.
2. “Ghosthunting Ohio”
Based on his two Ohio books, paranormal researcher John Kachuba takes participants on a virtual tour of some of the Buckeye State’s most haunted locations, each of which the author has personally investigated.
3. “Ghosthunting Illinois”
Based on his book, paranormal researcher John Kachuba takes participants on a virtual tour of some of the Land of Lincoln’s most haunted locations, each of which the author has personally investigated.
4 “Ghosthunters”
In the last two decades, John Kachuba has investigated almost 100 haunted locations, both here and abroad, and has worked with some of the leading experts in the paranormal field. This presentation recounts his experiences with these celebrated ghosthunters and his adventures in some of the haunted locations he investigated.
5. “Shapeshifting for the Teen Writer”
John Kachuba, author 12 books, including the HWA Bram Stoker Award-nominated, Shapeshifters: A History, is also a well-known creative writing instructor. He has taught a variety of writing courses at Ohio University, Antioch University Midwest, University of Cincinnati, Gotham Writers Workshop, and Thurber House. This fun, interactive writing workshop helps teen writers develop shapeshifter characters and hone their creative writing skills.
If you’re interested in scheduling any of these programs, please CONTACT me.
July 30, 2019
In case you missed it, you can hear me being interview about my book, Shapeshifters: A History, on WVXU’s “Around Cincinnati” at:
July 19, 2019
I had a great time on Beyond Reality Radio last night, talking about Shapeshifters: A History. In case you missed it live . . . and shame on you, here’s a link to the archive:
JUNE 4, 2019
APRIL 29, 2019
Just posted! My “Haunted Ohio” interview on The Grave Talks podcast:
APRIL 17, 2019
March 12, 2019
If you haven’t yet read it, here’s a wonderful interview by writer C.M. Mayo, as we discuss my historical novel, The Savage Apostle.
Read it here:
NOVEMBER 30, 2018
I am excited to announce that my new book, Shapeshifters: A History, is now available for pre-order. Why wait? Order it now!
SEPTEMBER 17, 2018
I have a limited number of first-edition author’s copies of Dark Entry available. If you’d like a signed copy, please contact me through this website.
AUGUST 14, 2018
It’s here! New from Hellbender Books, Dark Entry! Click on the cover to order your copy now!
JULY 30, 2018
Here it is! The cover of Dark Entry, my new paranormal novel based on a haunted location in Connecticut. The book will be published this Fall by Hellbender Books! Check back here for more details.
JUNE 9, 2018
I’m excited to report that Shapeshifters: A History is scheduled for Spring 2019 publication by Reaktion Books!
And there’s more good news for all my paranormal fans. Ars Metaphysica will be publishing my novel, Dark Entry, later this year. The novel is based on an actual haunted location in Connecticut known as Dudleytown and will be a great book for readers of paranormal nonfiction and fiction alike! Check back here for more information!
JANUARY 8, 2018
Happy New Year! 2018 is kicking off big! I’ve turned in the complete manuscript of Shapeshifters: A Cultural History to my publisher, Reaktion Books in the UK. The publication date is still to be determined (hopefully by the end of this year), but the book will be available worldwide. Looking forward to it!
JULY 29, 2017
I’m at the Florida Supercon in Ft. Lauderdale, doing some research for my new book, Shapeshifters: A Cultural History. There are a lot of interesting and creative people here and i’m getting some good material for the book.
APRIL 15, 2017
My books and research are being discussed in India!
The article,”Shoktir Prosroi o Atmar Adhar” (trans:”Power’s Love and Soul’s Matrix”), by Taniya Chakraborty, an Indian poet and freelance writer appeared in “Aramva” (trans: “Start”), published April, 2017 in Kolkata, India.
Here is the Bengali version with partial translation below:
Translation of red-circled area in above text.
“What is actually soul/ghost? Now we have no definite clue but there is a writer by named John Kachuba lives in Cincinnaty. He has some books about ghost hunting and it’s really interesting. Now, continuously he is working on this matter by the technical process. We should read his books.”
Thank you, Taniya!
MARCH 21, 2017
The research for Shapeshifters: A Cultural History is progressing full steam ahead. I have been going down fascinating “rabbit holes” as I study this interesting and incredibly complex subject. I am hoping that my European travels will add even more color and excitement to the book!
FEBRUARY 15, 2017
Today is Werewolf Wednesday! Who knew?
JANUARY 7, 2017
I thought you might like an update on my new book, Shapeshifters: A Cultural History, coming from Reaktion Books in 2018.
The research, to date, has been a fascinating journey , so many wonderful rabbit holes to fall down!
I’m also mapping out an extensive research itinerary that will take me to Portugal, France, Romania, and Ukraine. Stay tuned fro further details.
Please feel free to contact me with any ideas you may have for the book!
OCTOBER 27, 2016
So,I had just srated writing my new book, Shapeshifters: A Cultural History, when this happened . . .
Now what??
September 26, 2016
I am happy to announce that I have signed a contract with Reaktion Books in England to write:
A Cultural History
The book will be published in 2018 and I will be doing a lot of research until then, both here and abroad. So, if any of your friends are shapeshifters, please send them my way!
July 17, 2016
I just finished a week at the Antioch Writers Workshop in Yellow Springs, Ohio where I conducted an afternoon workshop called “Getting Started.” Designed for the beginning writer, the workshop promised to teach EVERYTHING you could POSSIBLY WANT TO KNOW about writing and making a life as a writer.
Okay, that may have been a little pretentious.
In any case, my eight students wowed me. If these were beginners, I was Papa Hemingway! They all showed much creativity and a level of writing skill that belied the “beginner” moniker. Moreover, they supported one another, encouraged one another in ways that only other writers could understand. They truly showed what literary citizenship is all about. Thank you, guys!
In one of our discussions, we talked about all the ways a writer could promote his work, everything from the mundane facebook posts to something a bit more zany, like this . . . .
A blast from the past: my Ghosthuntermobile!
JANUARY 25, 2016
I am excited to announce that my first historical novel, The Savage Apostle, has been published by Sunbury Press.
Set in 17th-century New England, The Savage Apostle recounts the escalating tensions between English colonists and the Native population, tensions arising from racial and religious differences. When the body of Christian Indian John Sassamon is recovered from an icy pond, the fuse that would ignite a bloody war is lit.
Although the events in The Savage Apostle took place almost 400 years ago, the story remains relevant for today’s world in which racial and religious intolerance is causing so much divisiveness. That is why I have included a Discussion Guide in the book for teachers and book clubs. I am offering a free “chat with the author” via Skype for any teacher using The Savage Apostle in class, or to any librarian conducting a book club about the novel. Contact me if you are interested in a virtual discussion.
September 9, 2015
I am pleased to announce that my new historical novel, THE SAVAGE APOSTLE, will be released shortly by Sunbury Press.
Set in 17th century New England, the novel relates how the mysterious murder of a Christianized Indian named John Sassamon, set into motion the devastating conflict between English colonists and the Native peoples in what became known as King Philip’s War.
Think, John Grisham meets Nathaniel Hawthorne and there you’ll have it! Stay tuned for more news about THE SAVAGE APOSTLE.
Here’s my official Horror Writers Association selfie. To see Stephen King and more of your favorite horror writers’ selfies, go to:
Have you ever thought it would be fun to be able to chat with the author of the book your book club is reading? With today’s technology it is easy to bring the author to you.
In addition to my live library and university presentations, I am now offering free virtual author chats to book clubs through Skype or other available social networking media. If you would like to discuss my virtual appearance at one of your book club meetings,please use the Contact page to drop me a note.